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Quote Mark

            Our mission goal is to endeavor to preach the gospel and further the kingdom of God through worship music. We are dedicated to discovering and train individuals with musical talents, to build and to develop a cohesive worship team, and to create and publish engaging gospel songs for all to enjoy and worship. According to our organization's structure, we have four ministries: 


                          Gospel Music Creative      

                                            Jesus Fashion Fellowship          

                                                            Christian Culture Communication

                                                                              The Seasonal Gospel Concert

Gospel Music Creative

gospel music creative

        We cannot stop worshiping and praising God. Musical worship is undoubtedly the most approachable form of evangelism. That's why we're committed to discovering and training musically talented people, as well as creativing and producing inspiring worship songs. So far, our team is composed of the best talented musicians from U.S. and China. Right now, we are focused on our original Gospel Music album “Seeking” which will be entered into the Grammy for Best Gospel Album Award competition. We hope that more people will come near to God and know this great and loving Heavenly Father through our gospel music. To God be the Glory.

Jesus Fashion Fellowship   

jesus fashion church

        Christian culture needs to be passed from one generation to the next. We have seen the continuous dedication and effort of our predecessors. We, as the next generation, would like to continue their work and pass on the hope that they have passed on to us. As we move forward with the legacy of Christianity, we see hope as well as resistance.  Therefore, we are determined to start a young adult ministry and manage a fellowship for Young Adults. While people fashion themselves with the tide of this world, we would like to fashion ourselves with Christian beliefs. This is how our “Jesus Fashion Fellowship” is born. We are currently raising funds and plan to complete the construction within 5 years.

Christian Culture Communication

        God is great, he has brought peace, joy and good hope to his children. For this reason, we desire more people to come and know the love of God as we have. We are dedicated to studying and producing evangelical productions on new social media platforms, in the hope of bringing more people to God’s love and expanding God’s kingdom.


        We cannot stop worshiping and praising God. Worship through music is undoubtedly the most approachable form of evangelism. Therefore in 2022, we started the ministry of quarterly Gospel Concerts  along with other churches in DFW area. We have seen God's promise and blessing in it. We hope that more people will come near to God and know this great and loving Heavenly Father through our gospel music. To God be the Glory.     

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